Robin Marissink

Certified Bioelectric Therapist

Hi, I am Robin and I am a certified Bioelectric Therapist. I work with the fascia and meridians with a whole body/mind/ spirit approach. My goal is to help clients get to the root cause of their pain, whether it be mental, emotional, physical, spiritual. I offer two different forms of bodywork to achieve the same goal of deep, authentic healing, and pain relief. Myofascial Release Approach and Bioelectric Acupressure Massage. Below are some examples of the symptoms I can help with: • Increase flow of energy and qi • Improve digestion • Improve headaches, migraines, TMJ disorders, and concussion symptoms • Alleviate pain from both acute and chronic injuries • Improve mood and depression symptoms • Improve insomnia • Decrease joint stiffness • Reduce inflammation/ pain/ restrictions • Improve chronic illnesses • Improve neurological dysfunction, sciatica • Improve pelvic, back, and limb pain. I began my education at University of Waterloo with the goal of becoming a physiotherapist. After finding relief from years of my own chronic pain with bioelectric massage I began to study different forms of holistic therapy, including bioelectric massage and John F. Barnes Myofascial Release Approach. After years of personal discovery and exploring alternative therapies, I am happy to offer my own unique blend of body and energy work. I am currently studying acupuncture at Pacific Rim and I am enjoying every moment of it. In the past clients have asked me genuinely, “Is it alright to dance out the door, because walking just wouldn’t feel right.” – And that is all we can really hope for, isn’t it? I enjoy helping people transition out of pain and in to joy.